A quick post, and a quick update.
- You can now pre-order Phenomenal: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.
- We've set a new target release date.
- We've got a status report below.
- We're making some changes to the offer.
I'm happy to report that things are moving along nicely. When you commit yourself to a project and really dig in your heels, the most amazing discovery is that you'll invariably surprise even yourself.
As today is August 1st, 2009, we're officially opening the pre-order phase.
This offer is zero-risk!
Here's how it works:
- On the order page, select "Pre-Order Now".
- You will be taken to the Paypal shopping cart page.
- Update the quantity if you'd like multiple copies.
- Fill in your billing and shipping details, and pay through Paypal.
- When you make your payment, you'll get a confirmation email from Paypal, and another from us.
After you make your purchase, here's what happens:
- We will make a chronological list of all orders.
- The first 1,000 books sold will get a signed copy of the Limited Edition version of the book. We will contact you separately after the book goes to the printer to get your request for a personalized inscription.
- This pre-order offer will end either a) when we have sold all 5,000 Limited Edition copies, or b) when the book goes to the printer. (If we don't receive 5,000 orders before we go to the printer, we will printer fewer copies of the Limited Edition version (making them even more rare and valuable).
- When the book is finished and ready to go to the printer, we will confirm all Paypal payments. At that point, the pre-order offer will end.
- If you have canceled your order before we go to the printer, you will not be entitled to a Limited Edition version.
- (IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're going to pre-order, you must be flexible. The release date is subject to change. If the release date gets pushed back further into the year, it's because I want this book to live up to its name.)
- After the pre-order offer is finished, we will only offer refunds after you've received and read the book.
- All orders placed through this offer will be entitled to a 60-day 100% buy-back guarantee.
- Orders placed after this offer has finished (we will announce the finish date on this blog) will receive the Standard Edition of the book, and will not be entitled to the buy-back offer.
- Orders placed through other retailers (Amazon, etc) will receive the Standard Edition.
You have nothing to lose — and I guarantee you'll love this book. This is your chance to get a rare first-printing Limited Edition copy.
And if I achieve what I've predicted (eventual sales of over 1,000,000 copies), the Limited Edition will increase substantially in value over time.
Be sure to get your Limited Edition copy today!
Originally, I wanted to launch the book in November 2009 (you know, Christmas sales, etc). But writing is a process of discovery, and it's been extraordinary.
To achieve that date, the book would need to go to the printers by the end of August.
That's not gonna happen.
I've decided not to rush it, so I've moved the new target release date to February 22, 2010.
To achieve that date, I'll need to have the book completed by November 2009. Therefore, that date is subject to change, too. But as of today, I think that's achievable.
All Limited Edition pre-order copies will ship out at least one week prior to the official release date.
About a week and a half ago, I realized that I was putting too much time into writing articles for this website — and it was substantially delaying the book.
Since then, I've poured 95% of my time into the book, and the progress has been fantastic.
Here's where I'm at as of this moment (August 1st, 2009):
- I've finished about 25% of the first draft of the book, including Introduction, Prologue, and the first section (6 chapters) about the phenomenal insight itself.
- The chapters are each about 3,000 words at the moment.
- There's more scientific detail than I had anticipated.
- I'm very happy (surprised even) at the quality of the content.
- I'm not yet happy with the tone ("voice") of the book — it's too stuffy at the moment, and I haven't found the right balance between being friendly/casual and presenting a powerful, scientific, compelling logic argument. (I want it to be "smart" but not "academic" — strong enough to stand up to academic scrutiny, but not boring! I want you to hear my voice, but I don't want to be a "cheerleader", and I don't want my voice to get in the way of the experience itself.) It's a challenging balance, and I'm still working on it.
- I'm pushing forward, focusing on putting the content on the page during this first draft.
- I'll go back during the rewrite to re-shape the content into a more mainstream-accessible voice.
- The content is very much in sync with my original outline, which I'm very excited about.
- The book itself is shaping up to be a smart, dense adventure (i.e., every paragraph is filled with rich detail and no fluff).
- Overall, it's progressing a bit more slowly than I'd like, but I'm happy with the quality and the direction — and it's living up to the expectations I've got for it.
- Most importantly, I know exactly how to make it what I want it to be.
The book is called Phenomenal. If a reviewer doesn't like it, the obvious headline will be "Phenomenal... Isn't". Since I don't want that to happen, I need to make sure it lives up to its name.
Based on my progress so far, I'm confident that it will.
Originally, I planned to print 5,000 copies of the Limited Edition version. I've decided to change that. I'm going to print only as many Limited Edition copies as there are pre-orders.
So now you will determine how "limited" the Limited Edition really is.
The Pre-Order Phase is now exactly that: A phase.
When we close the Pre-Order Phase, that's all there is to it. We'll still print a large quantity of books, but only those purchased through this offer will be the Limited Edition, with the additional "secret" content.
You can't get it anywhere but here.
Click here to order your copy today!

Next up, Article #11:
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